Reyes's Blog

9/11/2023 I guess this is where I'm going to posting blog entries :P

If you're reading this, then I've added a link that actually works to this website! :D I only recently learned what the Indie Web is and I gotta say I'm digging it. I missed out on the olden days of the internet when people had to go looking for websites by hand, before Google bought everything and Disney turned evil and stuff. So now I like that it's coming back around.

I love that older stuff, and I recently got a cassette deck that I'm super excited about. It's set up next to my VCR under my TV. The super cool things about these older machines is that you can use them to tape what's showing on the TV or record the audio coming out of it. It's not the highest quality, but it is impossible to detect by modern technology, thanks to the Analog Loophole.

It feels these days like everything is trying to be a subscription service, and it's definitely just so that the mega corperations can bleed us dry. I don't exactly come from money, but also I like owning the things that I pay for. A few years ago I bought all of Steven Universe on Google play, and just recently I looked and all of the original series was removed v_v I still have SU Future but honestly that one is pretty hardcore. All the friends that I introduced Steven Universe to said it was too hard to rewatch SU Future because it was just too heavy. I had paid for Steven Universe, that had been one of my prized possessions. When I had bought the first episodes of it, I toldmyself that I was going to stop pirating stuff and only buy it from legitamate sources from now on. That feels almost poetic in it's backfire-ness.

So yeah, when netflix decided to remove Crazy Ex Girlfriend I was like "I don't think so" and now I have it taped. Most of it. I did not get through all of season 3 before they removed it. I'm sure that I can find it somewhere and get the rest. But either way, I know I could proabbly just go out and buy the box set (a friend bought me the complete dvd set of Steven Univers, thanks Big D.!), but I really just don't like how these companies are treating some of our most beloved media, and it feels like the only way to fight back is to steal it dierctly from them.

Anyway, rant over, the point is I have a blog now!